Seminar FAQ

What is the Knowledge Standards Foundation?

You can learn more about us on our about page.

What is the purpose of this seminar?

A basic introduction can be found on the main seminar page.

Where do I sign up?

You can sign up for the seminar here.

What does it cost to attend?

The seminar is free, but we encourage donations.

How much do you recommend donating?

It is up to you; it depends on how much you get out of it and also how much you can afford. $10/month would be generous for most people. Wealthy supporters, who want to ensure that the encyclosphere takes off, should consider giving more.

Why are we doing a seminar?

There are two purposes:

First, we wish to teach partners and participants about the very idea of a decentralized content network, which has unfortunately become an unfamiliar concept.

Second, we want to deliberate with partners and participants about what the shape of the encyclosphere should be. There are many policies to be decided and decisions to be made.

Can I still participate if I’m unable to attend?

Sure, although later on you might not be able to follow what is going on so well, depending on the topic, without some relatively basic material. The first few weeks will be introductory and should probably be reviewed by everyone, unless you are already up-to-speed on those issues. We should also have recordings of the meetings available after the seminar is complete.

Will you offer college credit or some sort of certification?

Unfortunately not.

Are the lectures/readings/written discussion required?

Not strictly, but it’s all part of the course. We will be discussing the reading, so you will not get the total experience if you do not read them. Doing the reading without the lectures will not give you as much insight. Finally, written discussion is really the “main event,” and the reading and lecture should help us there.

I have some ideas for readings, speakers, or topics. Can I suggest them? Where?

Yes, please. Sign up and add your ideas in our seminar forum.

Where can I write my encyclopedia entry / create my encyclopedia?

Anywhere online! We plan on incorporating all of the existing websites on the internet. There is no specific platform requirement but WordPress, MediaWiki, and other open source software are recommended.

Where is the data stored? What about the space/cost requirements?

The data is stored on its current home repository or database. The encyclosphere will be accessible via distributed technologies such as torrent or blockchain, so no individual will have to store the entire encyclosphere on any one source.

What about identity? How do I describe myself or own my data?

Refer to DID protocol from W3C, potentially stored on a hardware wallet like cryptocurrencies.

Where can I learn more about these topics?

We will create a library of articles and presentations regarding the primary topics of discussion.